Learner's Output - Travel Brochure

Performance Task Output of Grade 8 - Batch 2022-2023 - PCGS


As a performance task for your social studies class, you will create a travel brochure for a specific country or region. Your travel brochure should include information about the history, culture, geography, and economy of the country or region. You should also include pictures and maps to help promote the destination. The purpose of this task is to help you develop your research and communication skills, as well as your understanding of social studies topics.

Performance Task Output of Grade 8 - Batch 2022-2023 - PCGS


Encourages research skills: Creating a travel brochure requires research on the history, culture, geography, and economy of a country or region, which helps students develop their research skills.

Enhances communication skills: Students must effectively communicate the information they have gathered in a visually appealing and engaging way, which helps them develop their communication skills.

Integrates multiple social studies topics: The travel brochure task integrates multiple social studies topics, including history, geography, and culture, which helps students develop a well-rounded understanding of social studies concepts.

Promotes creativity: Students can use their creativity to design an attractive and appealing travel brochure that captures the attention of potential travelers.

Performance Task Output of Grade 8 - Batch 2022-2023 - PCGS


Limited scope: The travel brochure task focuses on a specific country or region, which limits the scope of the social studies topics covered in the task.

Limited assessment of critical thinking: While the task requires research and communication skills, it may not fully assess critical thinking skills, as students are simply presenting information rather than analyzing or evaluating it.

May be time-consuming: Creating a visually appealing and engaging travel brochure can be time-consuming, which may limit the time available for other social studies activities.

May require access to technology: Creating a professional-looking travel brochure may require access to technology and software, which may not be available to all students.

Performance Task Output of Grade 8 - Batch 2022-2023 - PCGS

In summary, while a travel brochure task can help students develop research, communication, and creative skills, it may have limitations in assessing critical thinking and may require additional resources. However, it can still be a valuable addition to a social studies class as a performance task.